"We all declare for Liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others; the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name--liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names--liberty and tyranny."
none other than Abraham Lincoln himself, 1864
Keep these diametrically opposed terms in mind as we all watch the 'Change we can believe in' become a reality. For many the word 'Change' which they heartily embraced pre-inauguration, meant something other than what is unfolding before us. For some it is exactly what they wished; for many it is exactly what they feared.
Does "Give me liberty or give me death..." sit in alignment with or juxtaposition to; 'Give me tyranny or give me life...'? Does Hitler's Youth Movement remind you of Americorps or Acorn? Or both....?
When you tell people what to do and how to do it; what they should value and what others should accept; how to spend their money and their leisure time; what cars to buy and how much to eat; how much they can make and how long they get to live...Have you just imposed liberty or tyranny or Change we can believe in?
This should not be too confusing for us today as left is right; up is down; Academia teaches aesthetics not fundamentals; it's not politically correct to call it as you see it; it is far better to invent terms to mean what can be accepted not what is true. The 2nd Amendment didn't guarantee us the right to bear arms, just to be victims; freedom of speech is only free if you have a social conscious which over-rides reason; one man-one vote is only true if you aren't registered by Acorn; a murderer didn't kill that person he killed if he wasn't appropriately given the right 'speech' before he confessed and the Judicial arm of government wasn't created to uphold the rights given us in our constitution but to change them and revoke them.
We fled the European continent to create a new country that was not bound by the inequities and base unfairness of that part of the world, now our own reversal of truths drives us to desire to recreate them here. The rich are the only ones that can attain legislative status here and supposedly make decisions in the masses' best interest all the while gaining more wealth and spreading the 'gap' wider. The land of opportunity today means the opportunity to control from above. Only a power-broker (former VP) could create a new reality that convinces masses that the world is warming during the longest cooling period earth has seen over the past hundred years; while he increases his personal wealth far beyond 10 fold as he flies his ostentatious jet around the globe hustling carbon offset credits to the financial benefit of his commercial enterprise initiated by him when he was shocked by the willingness of the unreasonable social consciences within our left to willingly throw money in that illogical direction.
I'm in awe Al, you the man!
Soylent green is people! listen to Glenn; read Liberty and Tyranny, Culture of Corruption.
Awesome post! I continually think of many of these same things and have wished that I could put them to "paper" so coherently.
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to add one thing to your list of left is right; up is down section: The same people who drill it into us daily that any woman has the RIGHT to terminate her pregnancy whenever she chooses for whatever reason, turn around and fight to have murderers put to prison for double-homicide if a pregnant woman is killed. I don't care who you are - you can't claim that a fetus is not a person to defend one action one minute and in the very next define a fetus as a baby to defend your other position. It baffles me that I can be one of very few who even sees this complete contradiction.
Another one: They have given our children the RIGHT not to have to tell their parents that they've had an abortion and yet they still require a parents written consent to take tylenol at school. What logical sense does this make?
The Devil is indeed in the details! Politically correct is the term for convincing the willing masses that Pro-Choice (which means pro-death) and Pro-life (which means just what it says) are inversely received!