Our country is being hijacked and taken to a place that the majority of Americans do not wish it to be taken. This serves as the official description of kidnapping and is relegating my (our) descendants to an even more dangerous world due to the many actions of this current administration. I have been vocal about my opposition, I have contacted my congressional representatives and senators (I purposely do not capitalize their positions and titles as that would denote respect, which I do not have for these minions of crime who engage in the politics of personal gain) to object to the many steps being taken to throw our once great country over the cliff of eventual ruin.
I have been open about my objections to the economic, defense and international policies of the current administration. I am even more open about my commitment to the founding principles and founding principals of our great nation. I do not believe that my voice is being heard without being marginalized as a 'tea-bagger', a 'rightie' and a 'Republican kool-aid drinker'. It is not enough to raise objection, to find fault and to point out errors. I feel we must not only object through association and organization but also bear a responsibility to work from within the confines placed by even a deaf administration. Therefore I have just contacted www.whitehouse.gov/contact and attempted to get my concerns through to our 44th President (I do capitalize this title as a sign of respect to the position to which I have sworn to follow into the breach, I sincerely hope that he rises to earn this respect, it is his to earn or burn). I encourage everyone to take up your right and responsibility to define through direct input, what is and isn't appropriate behavior by our country, our administration and our President. To wit, I have sent the following message to President Obama:
"I strongly object to the Attorney General's decision to provide Khalid Sheik Mohammad and others of his ilk, with constitutional rights which are specifically reserved for citizens of the United States of America. Such 'ground-breaking' positions as Atty. Gen. Holder is taking, serve to belittle the rights we enjoy, raise the hopes of our enemies and provide protections never before given on the battlefield, much to the delight of those who wish us harm. We cannot afford, nor should we, to supply Miranda rights and legal counsel to every enemy combatant. You have the responsibility to intervene on the better half of reason and logic. Please do so."
After all, the Attorney General is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President. He can and should be removed from appointment if he can not carry on the responsibilities of his office with reason and in-line with the wishes of his President.
I intend to define and provide other reasonable request(s) for appropriate behavior by our President and his administration. It is evident to me that he is floundering to understand his role and his administration's responsibilities, as evidenced by the lack of forethought in appointment and unwarranted dependence upon the neophyte(s) within his staff. Clear communication of morals, logic and expectations may have an impact and may make a difference. I look back upon my experience as a manager of others for over 24 years and know that an employee has almost no chance of meeting expectations if these are not clearly communicated to them. Make no mistake, the President is an employee of every one of us.
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